Sunday, September 25, 2011


Robby is just so funny and so cute - we continue to be in love with him and are probably spoiling with our attention but what can you do? He'll have to share the spotlight soon. 
I'm so glad he'll give hugs and kisses and loves to snuggle with us. With dad it's usually "knock down hugs" or "tickle bombs." 

Last night in Women's Conference President Uchtdorf talked about good sacrifices - an example was helping a child who has woken up with a bad dream get back to sleep. This happens at least once a week and while of course I'd rather not be woken up in the middle of the night I'm grateful for the sweet moments this can be as he climbs in bed and snuggles with me for a few minutes and then I carry him back and tuck him in again to his own bed. I kind of can't get enough of him when he's asleep. Every night before I go to sleep I stop in his room and hug and kiss his little squishy cheeks a bunch of times and he just kind of rolls over and smacks his mouth... why are little kids such angels when asleep?

I know I'm lucky because I feel like Robby is a little angel most of the time! It's worth mentioning his most deviant moment in years was last week where he and a friend ran away from me in our neighborhood and I could NOT find them for several minutes - when I did find him and tell him it was time to go home and he'd have room time (time out) he went in his room and TINKED on his bed! On PURPOSE! I was so mad! I made him take the sheets off himself and put them in the washer. But that was so out of character... 

He and Rob were wrestling and Rob made some weird face and said, "I'm gonna get you!" and Robby says, "You look FREAKY when you do that." And he told Rob, "I'm gonna CREAM you!" Rob was like, huh? And Robby smiles and shakes his head, "I'm not gonna cream you...." ha ha... cream you? What? 

He thought these weird faces were hilarious! Or, as he would say, "freaky"


He's my little buddy!

I ordered a diaper bag (they had a great labor day sale) for when baby comes and it came in the mail the other day - Robby was so excited and kept saying, "I just want the baby to come now!" He got out a pack of wipes and wanted me to put it in the bag. When we came home from being out we opened the door and he saw the bag on the floor in the living room and exclaimed, "Oooo the BABY bag!!!" So cute!

Anyways I've been such a lazy picture taker and blogger this... year.. I felt the need to just kind of brain dump about what's been going on!

A big change for me - I got released from being Primary President! It was definitely bittersweet. I'd been in there 2 years but it was nowhere on my radar - I thought I'd be in there forever. I loved being in primary with all the kids and loved working with my presidency and the other teachers and primary workers. It definitely felt like a workout every week - I'd come home sweaty and exhausted! Especially since Rob has a busy Sunday calling too. So today was my first day not being in Primary and it was strange! I thought Robby would have a hard time going to Primary without mom but he did great today! 

I had a horrible dream last night that I had lost the baby - I was very relieved to wake up and know everything was ok! Everything seems to be going well with baby - I have another check up this week. It's always so neat to hear the heartbeat so I'm looking forward to that!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Before.... beautiful cape on and everything...


And apparently I stink at taking pictures on my phone of myself while driving... she curled my hair and made it look all cute! I'll add some other pictures later cause I don't know if you can really even tell what my hair looks like - we just did a little trim and I love the color she did! 
Thanks Stacy! You are great! If any of you need a hairstylist in Orem/Provo (she's right on the border) let me know I'll give you her number!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What to do? What to do?

So I have a hair apt coming up this week with my wonderful cousin Stacy and I really don't know what I want to do with my hair... I feel like as soon as I cut it in my head it was like, ok, now I have to grow it out again... but I really did like it when it was first cut short like this:

 Short hair I feel like is "cute" on me but doesn't necessarily make me feel beautiful... if that makes any sense... and I feel like I don't want short hair when I have the baby, I'd rather it be longer... but why? And I'm sure my cheeks/face is going to get chubbier throughout the pregnancy so maybe short hair would just accentuate that?

Long hair feels more like me... 

It got really long...

I feel like I just don't love the inbetween length and don't know what to do... definitely need to touch up my roots.... I shouldn't worry because I'm sure whatever Stacy will do will be great and fun but if you have any great ideas let me know! :)