Monday, June 23, 2008


Naptime is sacred.

For those of you moms out there or anyone whose dealt with this or has any advice - I'm trying to decide if I should help Robby change from 2 naps to 1. He's been waking up earlier and earlier it seems - although this morning he woke up at 7 which is not bad - but I feel like I'm trying to keep him up later so he'll wake up later and it doesn't really work and it means he's going to bed closer to 9 and we don't get all that great hang out alone together time anymore. He used to go to bed at 7:30 pm and wake up at 7:30 am. And take 2 long naps. :)

Ok so if you cut out a nap do you just go cold turkey on the morning nap and try and make him wait as long as he can to go to sleep.... hmm.... Baby Whisperer says to push the morning nap back 15 min a day and try to slowly move that nap back to like 1 pm... but she doesn't really mention if that means you still have them take an afternoon nap and if so up until what point.... anyway my mom would probably laugh so hard at me right now - trying to find the perfect nap formula and expecting someone to be able to tell me just how to do it! Hey, a girl can dream, huh?

And then there's the problem that if he does take one nap a day I'd imagine it'd be something like from 1-3 and that's exactly when we get together with our friends to swim or have lunch. Our baby social life will be over. Or postponed till probably 4 pm or something.... anyways this probably sounds ridiculous but it's just on my mind as he's taking a later than normal and longer than normal morning nap and I'm toying with the idea of forgoing the afternoon one and wondering just how cranky he'll be before bed time, which hopefully will be earlier but not result in a too early wake up.

Did anyone follow that?

And now he's awake.


Mandi said...

When Chris started transitioning from 2 to 1 naps per day, we did an every other day schedule. Only having one nap a day (which ended up being just an earlier afternoon nap - he would not go to sleep in the morning) really wore him out, so he would again take two naps the next day generally. This way, you can still get the social time you need as well as not have an absolute beast of a child every day before going to bed. Anyway, I hope that is helpful.

Rebecca said...

Hey Es, I kind of already talked to you about this, so I won't add anything, just wanted to say that this picture of Robby is ADORABLE!! oh, and also, good luck figuring everything out.

Olivia Carter said...

Thanks for hanging out with me today! You are such a darn good friend! I wish I had advice. Syd just kind of did it (but I was never great with schedules). And that kid is SO CUTE!

Cindy said...

I TOTALLY know what you mean! I was struggling with this for awhile too! When Jack was only doing 1 nap I was considering moving his nap later too, but then that would mean he was sleeping when I wanted to be out with you guys!! I'm getting use to his schedule now. 1 nap seems to be working for us. I'm lucky though because if he goes to bed at 7 he still wakes up at 8. Hopefully Robbie will do the same for you! Good luck!
I love that picture, he is SO cute!! And I noticed you moved his room around. It's cute!

Betsy said...

Its hard to give advice because every child is different but he might sleep in more if he only has one nap. With Ella, when we transitioned to one nap she took one nap but it was still kind of early (11:00) and eventually moved to the afternoon. But its not a guarantee that he'll get up later because its summer and they do unfortunately start sleeping less. Good Luck!

The Romney Family said...

Well, I know I'm not really qualified to throw out much advice here, but let me just say--if you've got a boy waking up with THAT smile on his face, you've gotta be doing something right. :) That picture is about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

That picture is darling. But I don't have any nap advice seeing as how my small child is only 7 weeks old. Sorry!

katd said...

First of all, I'm so glad to read that you guys still put him down at 7:30. Lily goes down then, too, and lately I've been getting so much flack from friends and fam saying it's too early. Too early, my hiney, I'm the one home with her all day! :)

On to the nap, we're down to one with her and it's been pretty easy. She still gets up at about 7:30 but then she naps from about 11 or 11:30 until about 2 - sometimes even 2:30. It's great because it gives me such a big chunk of time to get things done, but it is tough to get out sometimes. But, 2:30 is still early enough in the afternoon that we can go to the pool or do errands or whatever. We pretty much decided to go to one nap after she started fighting her afternoon nap consistantly.

Kate said...

oh, he's getting so big!!!