Friday, October 02, 2009

Half-birthday boy

Today Robby is 2 1/2!

He seems like such a BIG boy lately!!!

Something he's been doing a lot of is making phone calls. Pretend ones. On old phones. Or rocks. Like this one:

Or whatever really... and here's my transcription of one of his conversations yesterday....

"oh hi. oh what are you doing? oh you're at the store? ok. " hang up.

"uh oh. somebody is calling me. my friend is calling me. beep beep. beep.... is my friend duioj da ??? 5 - 1 - 0 - 1 - five teen - fourteen.... hi, what is your name? ducky the squirrel. my mom ....... ducky the squirrell oh what are you doing ducky the squirrel? oh you're at the store? oh you have a baby? oh bye!" hang up.

beep beep beep. oh hi. that was me steve, and me blue, and me baby jaguar. hi what is your name? ducky the squirrel again.... ducky the squirrell oh what are you doing ducky the squirrel? you're at the store? oh you have a baby? oh bye!"

He is such a cute boy. "Personality plus!" as his Aunts and grandma say! :)

We celebrated today by going out with friends to Wee Witches at Gardner Village. It was a great day!

It may be silly to celebrate half birthdays but for those who remember I should have had another baby to celebrate this month and since I don't I'm just going to go a little overboard on the one I have. I just can't believe now is when I would be having that baby and I'm still not even pregnant.... whew.... lots of deep breathing today!!! And just being grateful for the one amazing child I do have.


AP said...

he is hilarious! love the phone calls. :-)

Olivia Carter said...

What great pictures! He is a great kiddo & I'm glad we got to celebrate the day with him too.

The kids had a BLAST!

Jorden said...

sorry I didn't even know about your physical and emotional pain and I lived so close, I feel so bad. I love reading your blog and feeling like we can keep in touch even though I don't live so close anymore. John and I are coming out for a visit in a few weeks, if we are down your way I will try and stop by and say hi.

Liz said...

Thinking of you.... Hope you are doing OK. Give Quatro a kiss from us!

stephanie said...

He really is a wonderful boy, beautiful and so fun. He looks so old in the pic of him reading with Rob.

And loves to you too love.

Kim said...

Esther- I sure hope you get some good news soon! It's so frustrating. I'm sorry. You've sure got a cutie though! How is primary going?

Dayna said...

the rock in his ear as a phone- priceless!! that is hilarious! i loved reading his "phone calls". that little "ducky the squirrel" must be a pretty interesting fellow. love it!

Smithy said...

that cutie can call me anytime

Nancy said...

Hey, Es! Looks like it was a beautiful day. I read a blog post my friend Kim wrote and I thought of you...she is finally having another baby (she suffered from secondary infertility for years), but is on permanent bed rest due to placenta previa and so her older girls are living in a different city (at home) while she is staying at her parent's house (near the hospital).

Anywho...with that background, here's her post.

If you don't want to read everything she wrote, this is the part that made met think of you:

"Motherhood cannot be taken away. There are no handles. No handy bits of string trailing off the beauty and warmth of it. Nothing to be caught hold of and yanked and tugged at. It is as warm as summer sunshine. As slippery as a rain soaked blade of grass. It is love. It is also exhaustion and fear and heartache, but all of that comes after the love. Because of it, really.

...that aspect of my being can never truly be tampered with."

You are a beautiful, wonderful mother, Esther! Robby's growing up to be quite the young man. :) I'll keep you in my prayers.

Rosie and Derek said...

Awww, he's such a cutie pie!

I hope you'll get good news sometime soon!!!

Cindy said...

What a cutie! Those phone conversations are hilarious!! What a cute little guy! Happy half birthday Robby! Take care of your sweet Mommy! Keep the faith Es! I know it will happen for you guys! Love you!

Rebecca said...

Love you Es. You're such a great mommy. I keep praying you'll have another sweet baby to be a great mommy to very soon. Robby is so darling, you are doing such an amazing job!