Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Family Reunion

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Family! :) (We used to put all our hands on Rachel's head (my little sister, the youngest) and do a cheer, yay family!)

It was so great to see all my family last week! We had kind of a progressive family reunion with people coming different days and we just said goodbye yesterday to the last of the out of towners and now things are very quiet! Robby woke up yesterday morning and said excitedly, "who's here, Mommy?!?" I had to inform him we had no house guests that day!

Here are some of the highlights of the week!

Running through sprinklers at Taba's house...


Watching big cousins read stories to little cousins... and sleepovers...

Chasing this peacock around Tracy Aviary....

Trying to get group pics whenever possible...

Taking everyone shooting - Quattro's first time!
(Just for those worried folks, we only shot one gun at a time and had all the rest of the kids inside the cars while one kid took their turn shooting... in other words, we know what we're doing...)

Visiting Gran... (this is only 11 out of her 100 great grandkids)

Watching Thomas the Tank Engine.... in Chinese.

ONE shot of the whole group! Phew!

And if you're interested in seeing the other hundreds of pictures see here.


Olivia Carter said...

Oh gosh, that looks like so much fun! And I love the group picture at the bottom. So sweet!

Erika said...

I love this family! Yay family! It is so great to see everyone and there kids too. I didn't realize sarah had 4! Wow!

Jeni said...

Good to see ya guys for a bit the other day! Sounds like y'all are having a super fun summer! Your lil guy sure is handsome! :-)

Smithy said...

thanks for posting the link with all the pics, it was great to see how EVERYONE is lookin' these days! Can't believe all the nieces & nephews!