Sunday, November 04, 2007

A piece of apple?

Really? A little piece of apple caused such joy?

So I tried one of those mesh feeder things out for the first time tonight - I stuck a big chunk of apple with no peel in the little baggie part, snapped it shut, and handed it over to baby Robby for at least twenty minutes of pure excitement..... and when he was done there was only a teeny piece of apple remaining.... he was sucking so hard the entire time it was so cute!

This was when he was about done with it...


Lindsay Jane said...

You should nurse baby Robby forever...I promise not to judge you.

Olivia Carter said...

Oh my goodness! He LOVES that thing! I'm so glad! Nothing better than seeing that little lit up face of joy, eh?

Esther Noelle said...

Glad you approve, Linds! ;D I'm sure baby Robby would be happy to nurse for a long long time... we'll see how it goes!

Malea said...

I'm glad that babies give feedback like that. Seriously, that's what makes all of the hard times worth it. I can't wait!!

Cindy said...

I am sooo jealous! We have one of these things and Jack could care less.... AND I've even tried an apple. I must say, the video is ADORABLE!