Thursday, May 15, 2008

Homeless & havin' fun!

In the past 2 weeks we have slept in several different locations...

1. our old apartment
2. Liv's
3. Parsons'
4. Beach house
5. Pincock's
6. cousin Kristin's

What the heck? The last 15 days have been a whirlwind.... from packing up our apartment and trying to cram it into 1 of the 2 bedrooms so that Amy & Nathan could move into it.... flying home to MD.... driving 3 1/2 hours to VA beach.... Rob leaving early in the week so I was on my own with Robby.... drive from VA to MD... couple days at my mom's house... flight back to UT w/o Rob... settling into Kristin's house for the next couple weeks till our new place is ready! Whew! I'm exhausted.

Robby did so well on the flight back - he would walk up and down the aisles really slowly smiling and pausing to wave at people. Outside of the happy valley babies seem to get a lot more attention so everyone seemed pleased and not annoyed with his bothering them. We were so excited to see Rob when he picked us up at the airport!

Thank you, Kristin, for letting us live with you guys for this time! This place is like a giant playground - Robby is loving it! There's tons of room for him to run around and lots of new toys to try out and fun big kids to play with. Heaven. Noah (almost 2 1/2) has this neat electric car that I was surprised to see Robby was able to figure out.... he looks pretty funny on it... he kept doing just little spurts...

This afternoon the kids had fun playing in the tub for almost half an hour together... whatever works!
It was so fun to see our families but we are happy to be back in Utah!!


Olivia Carter said...

Syd went WILD for this clip- I mean CRAZY! She keeps saying, "mores, mores!"

Anonymous said...

I love his little squeel! :D Too cute!!