Thursday, October 04, 2007

My crazy husband

So two nights ago Rob came home from working at the Dreaded Grove with this big cut on the bridge of his nose - it was all red and gross and after washing it we realized the skin was all gone so it wasn't gonna look any better. Awesome. Then LAST night he shows up with all this makeup on and I really thought for one second that the blood was real. Yuck.

Today he had a job interview and so we tried to tidy up his appearance some with a haircut. I think it looks pretty good. It doesn't erase the cut on his nose but his hair looks good.


Olivia Carter said...

That blood looks crazy! I would freak me out too! And I'm glad to hear the interview went well! YEA- Parsons are on there way to be millionaires!

Nancy said...

Congrats on the job interview.

And, yikes, that cut on his cheek does look awfully convincing...

Esther Noelle said...

Thanks guys! Yeah I'm excited to at least have some possibilities opening up for our future... it's so weird not having any idea where we'll be after he graduates in April. So hopefully his interviews go well! :)

Olivia Carter said...

I vote for Northern California!