Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Joseph Velasco Pincock

Grandchild #10.... my older brother Joel's first baby.... Joel's wife Kristine is Filipino and Joel is already more dark than the rest of us siblings so this little baby is just darling!

Becca's description of how things went last Friday (she is my sister-in-law and was their doula):

"Yesterday they decided to get induced, and started with a gel late last night. She had cramps throughout the night. This a.m. around 9 am Kristine was 1 cm, they broke her water & started pitocin. An hour later she was 4 cm! So they turned off the pitocin since she was moving right along on her own. She decided to get an epidural then, but when they came to do it, she changed her mind. An hour and a half after that, Kristine was completely dilated! It was amazing.
She pushed for a little less than half an hour. Baby Joe was ready to come! He was born at 11:55 am. Kristine handled everything so well, and Joel was a perfect support. I feel so, so lucky I got to be there. Welcome to the world Baby Joe!!"

It sounds like everything is still going well and they are happily back at home. Joel started a new job today so I'm sure they'll be busy!

I can't wait to meet baby Joe at Christmas time!

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

What a cutie! Congrats Joel!