Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Where's bug?"

Little Robby and I really differ in our opinion of bugs! While I'm usually trying to get them out of our house he walks around chasing the nasty flies that slip inside blowing kisses at it and signing, "where bug?" It's kind of cute. Except the whole bugs in my house part.... so we've taken to looking for bugs outside when we walk to the mailbox.

Don't you love kids in this little squatting position? I do. Can you even see that little black speck he's staring at?

Bugs are ok outside. And he can wave and blow kisses to them all he wants!


Kyrsten said...

How cute is that?! I love how fearless they are at this age. Lydia picks up beetles and could care less what it is. Just hope they don't take a delicious bite. My lil' brother use to eat potato bugs at this age. ew!

Olivia Carter said...

That kid is HANDSOME! I love his lil' squat! He's a cute kiddo!

Dayna said...

Don't ever let him be around me when a little bugger is around.. I'll squish em'! What a cute little squatter- I too love that position for little tykes. So cute with their little legs. What a sweet boy. Loved seeing your camping pictures- Steve and I ALWAYS say we are going to go camping... has yet to happen. Soon it will be too cold, and therefore too late to go on my terms, and so I'm impressed! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Cindy said...

That is SO cute! I LOVE the squatting thing, Jack does that too and I just think it's SO adorable! Jack likes bugs too. Anything that is small and black he points to and says "buh". It must be a boy thing. :)

katd said...

He is so stinking cute! :) Lily does this, too, and it totally creeps me out. I saw her holding a spider outside the other day and I scared her with how freaked I was. Oops :)

Liz said...

I don't think I am ready for a boy. Bugs - YUCK! I am sure I will have to get used to it, but I am sure not a fan of anything that thinks it can crawl its way into my house!