Friday, September 28, 2007

Got Family?

Ahh.... I often find myself reflecting on things and thinking, "I love our life." Amy, my newly engaged sister in law, started a little discussion about married life on our family website and she remarked that lots of people have been warning her about how marriage is so difficult... while it does require hard work, I am loving our little family life!

I love how when my husband watches our baby so I can sleep in this is what I come out to find...

I love being a stay at home mom and trying to learn how to cook... look at my awesome, amazing, domestic skills with this pizza.... oh yeah...

I love the boring things we do together like watch movies at home practically every night, running errands (today it was Target and Best Buy), or going on walks in the evening because that's the only way to keep baby Robby happy before bedtime...

I do love my little family and I love our life.


Olivia Carter said...

Oh my heck, that picture of Robby & Robby is SO CUTE! And you & Baby Robby when you are cooking! I know how you feel, life is good!

Nancy said...

Families are so great :)

I love your perfectly round pizza. So talented, really!

Your family is so cute!