Baby Robby's hair has gotten super scraggly lately and we decided it was time for a haircut! His hair was so long it hardly stuck up at all anymore.... just a few pieces in the back. The front was coming down his forhead pretty far and you could see that his hair was 2 different lengths... you can see how long it was...
Here's Rob givin him a buzz.... I imagined it... not quite so short.... he looks SO OLD with short hair! It was nearly impossible to get him to stay still! It's probably a little uneven in places but that's ok. His face looks more round...
Oh and a little update - so, Sunday he had a bad fever all day, Monday he woke up and it was 102, after his nap it was about 104 again and he was inconsolable... I was worried so we went to the doctor and turns out both of his ears were infected, poor guy! So we got some antibiotics and we've been trying to keep him comfortable... he still had a bad fever up until this afternoon and now his nose is all runny! Ugh! Hopefully by tomorrow he'll be feeling better! Thanks for all your well wishes!
I hope he feels better soon. Good luck with the ear infections.
Baby Robby is so cute- the haircut looks great! I hope that he starts to feel better soon! Life is always better with a happy baby!
AH! He's so handsome! It does make the lil' men look so much older! And he looks SO CUTE! Good job- & you know my feelings about cute PJ's!
What a little man:) Love the new do and I really hope he gets better soon!! All this sickness is the pits! :)
He really does look like a little man now. I hope he gets better soon, too!
He is so cute ES!!! I hope he feels better soon.
I can't believe how big he looks with his haircut...and so much like a Pincock!
His hair cut was SO cute Esther... he is such a cutie! When can we hang out again!?
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