Wednesday, January 09, 2008

High Def Movie Format War

So this past week Warner Brothers decided to join the Blu-Ray side of the format war (they have been releasing movies in both formats) in what appears to be a killer blow for Toshiba and HD-DVD. I was kind of bummed--I own both formats and always knew that it was a strong probability that one or the other would go away, but I guess I've kinda been rooting for the underdog. Two formats has been great for reduced price and better performance for the consumer (except you had to buy 2 machines or a very expensive dual format player). I didn't really like Blu-Ray's entrance to the market--very poor quality and exorbitant prices (the cheapest player other than the previously hard to find PS3 was over $1,000)with a lack of good movies. But it looks like they're going to take over with WB on their side--many people thought that if/when WB took a side they would determine who would win. HD-DVD has Universal and Paramount supporting them exclusively but that's not a very strong position with Sony, Disney, Fox, and now Warner all supporting only Blu-Ray.

So I guess we'll wait and see what actually happens . . . we never quite know for sure. If you have no idea what the format war is then read my other post about the format war here.


Lindsay Jane said...

I would like this war to end so I can just buy a new DVD player. Mine isn't REALLY broken, but it does occassionally refuse to spit out DVDs. I'd replace it now but with this dumb war it seems like a waste of money to jump the gun.

Esther Noelle said...

Really... I definitely have never known so much about a format war though... thank you, honey!