Monday, July 07, 2008

Tagged by Natalie

So it's been a while since I've seen many tags but Natalie got me... I'm going to say right now that I'm tagging my 3 somewhat new to the blogging world sister-in-laws: Becca, Amy, & Liz!

3 joys

  1. Frozen Snickers
  2. Reading with my feet in the pool
  3. My new bedding from IKEA

3 Fears

  1. The sight of blood
  2. Losing either one of my Robbys
  3. Public speaking

3 Goals

  1. Get a gym membership and USE IT
  2. Have regular family home evenings
  3. Cook 1 new meal a week

3 Current Obsessions

  1. So You Think You Can Dance
  2. Young Adult novels that Liv provides me with :)
  3. Keeping my new house clean/tidy

3 Random surprising facts about myself

  1. I don't like watermelon
  2. I have over 100 first cousins (my mom's one of 17 children)
  3. I want to learn how to box (kind of funny that this pic came from this Russian website and that's where I first got the itch to learn how to box because of a picture of a girl boxer in a Russian gym!)

1 comment:

Lindsay Jane said...

You don't like watermelon? I had no idea. Thank goodness for tags.